Thursday, August 16, 2007

King Richard is Talking to a Woman

Yes, believe it or not, he is. She's asking him all kinds of questions about women in the Free Software world. King Richard answers.

Everyone on the FSF board is male. The founders of the FSF were all male. This reflects the fact that the software field and the free software community are mostly male.

I don’t know whether any women are involved in FSF Europe, but there is a woman on the board of directors of FSF Latin America.


Her name is Fernanda G. Weiden (click for a very elaborate and high-quality wikipedia page). Turns out she's a system administrator.

Do you have an opinion about women groups such as the Debian Women or Ubuntu Women?
Sorry, I don’t know anything about those groups.

At the end of the interview she asks him what kind of computer he's using:
I’m using an IBM laptop that is around 6 years old. We have not got newer machines because the newer ones have more treacherous computing support.

It's all part of the free software lifestyle -- never upgrading your hardware again, cause the world is evil.